The Chassis / Body Unit
April 8, 2017
The CBU is progressing nicely.
The doors and bonnet are being fitted and considerable attention paid to cleaning up minor imperfections.
April 7, 2017
The hardware is back from the platers
March 4, 2017
The CBU is now at Sargent Metal Works in Bradford, VT.
February 17, 2016
January 29, 2016
Having built a rotisserie from a couple of surplus engine stands, the CBU went to the soda blaster…
…and yes – it did get a lot of strange looks on the highway.
December 2016
CBU mods specific to the Twin Cam installation
These are photos of the areas that have been modified to accept the twin cam and the altered differential mounting.
The bottom of the panel in front of the shift lever has been moved forward to clear the lever.
The steering column goes through the floor to the LEFT of the clutch pedal.
Radically different differential mounting area.
To Be Continued….